Sunday 10 January 2016

its been a great year


i know I'm a little late.. but better late than never
Heres looking back on 2015.
I guess 2015 has been much of a roller coaster to me, although i have to admit, its been one of my greatest years so far.
In 2015, I found love, started my polytechnic education and met and lost many people at the same time.

2015 was no doubt full of closures and beginnings too.
Starting on a  new relationship definitely wasn't one of the easiest things for me , i hate new beginnings. Meeting someone new, starting all over, getting comfortable and opening yourself up to someone completely new...
Things i never liked doing, however I'm glad i did,
In 2015 I met luke, I'm sure most of you would already know, and no doubt he's not a regret.
Meeting him opened me up to many things, made me a happier and helped me lead a more constant life.
Although they said change is the only constant, both him and i are growing everyday, experiencing new encounters and embarking on new journeys.
Most of you would think of us as 'goals' and whatsoever but heres what i have to say
Yes I'm happy, we both are. And we hope you guys out there are too
Underneath photos and everything we are just like any of you, we have our fights and disagreements, and they're never the easiest things to deal with among all these hustle and bustle of life.
Whats important is that we learn to deal with problems and see things in a way of difference, not error.
No 2 people are the same, to move on in life together, we all have to learn to embrace difference and change.
Live and let live.

Opening myself up to new things this year of course also meant closing old chapters.
Leaving my secondary school and starting in a whole new environment.
Like i said, i hate new beginnings,
started poly this year with the mindset that its all going to suck.. SUCK BIG TIME
But in many ways i was wrong
I was posted to a course I never even knew about, forced to be in classes without my best buddies and having to adjust to change all over again.. fuck
But I made new friends, maybe some for life and learnt new things.
Figured my way around school and more or less adjusted well to a whole new beginning.
After all i seem to enjoy my course in school and I'm more of thankful than regretful that i am where i am now.The people in school keep me going and are the greatest reasons why school isn't so dreadful afterall. Thank you to my friends I've made in 2015. and to many years of friendship ahead. I guess its true everything happens for a reason..

As timely as it is, by the time some of you read this its Monday, 11th of Jan, where many of you get back your O level results, trust me, this time last year (2014)  i felt like complete crap.
We may or may not achieve our goals set for ourselves but whatever happens, nothing stops, everything goes on.
Whatever your results are, remember to embrace change, and be ready for a whole new ride.
You will never know where it takes you. Just like me.

2015 also opened me up to many new opportunities like new sponsorships, invitations to events and experiencing new things
I am thankful
For everything i have received from you guys and journeys that I've been through.
Thank you for the constant support and encouragement from my followers and everyone around me.

I dont exactly know how to put a whole year of emotions and happenings into words and I'm not too sure what 2016 has in store for me too, but to 2015, I'm thankful and to this new year ahead i am hopeful.
I wish you guys luck, love and happiness and remember that change is the only constant, work hard and heres to new beginnings.


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