Sunday 24 April 2016


" mothers hold their children's hands for awhile but their hearts forever "

i guess many times we forget about the woman who stood by us, made us meals and gave us whatever she could for the sake of our comfort and happiness, we forget about the times where they nagged and screamed and went out of their minds for our sake. this mothers day, lets take some time to show our appreciation and love for them!

wrecking your brains for gifts this mother's day? forget the roses and pricey gifts! 

Bath and body works will do the job for you!

about a week ago Bath and body works sent me one of their gift packages perfect for this mother's day! 

On this occasion, #BBWSG came up with 3 different scents to bring about joy and happiness for all our mothers out there!
I was never a huge fan of papaya flavoured things until i received this!
The set includes a body wash, lotion, body mist and a 3 wick candle!
Opened them all up and THEY SMELL SO GOOOD!!! 
really refreshing and uplifting scents by #BBWSG! perfect after a long day in the life of all our mothers!!

I personally LOVE LOVE LOVE the candle!! Smells super good and its a really soothing scent to fall asleep or work to! 

This gift set is really the perfect gift! for anyone!!
The body mist managed to stay throughout the day as i went about running errands and their body wash leaves me smelling nice and sweet before bed and to school the next day!! 

Not forgetting their body lotion!! leaving me moisturised the whole night!
Its super important to moisturise especially when sleeping in air conditioned rooms!
Pamper your mother this mother's day! She deserves so much! I personally went down to #BBWSG to get my mum a set too after using this set myself! and loving it super much!! 

To end off, #BBWSG is also having a MOTHER'S DAY CONTEST!!! 

All you have to do is spend at least SGD$50 in a SINGLE receipt in stores to QUALIFY!
And then fill up the contest form CREATIVELY!!! and stand a chance to win the grand prize of $1000 worth of #BBWSG's products! and also 8 consolation gift sets!!!
CONTEST PERIOD : 21st April - 8th May! Surely this is #happinessguranteed!!! 

Bath and Body Works have many outlets here in SG! So what are you waiting for?! 
Get to their stores now and shop away!!

Thank you bath and body works for this wonderful set of scents and love!
& Happy Mother's Day in advance to all mothers out there!
You're appreciated! 

gnitil xx

Sunday 17 April 2016

HASK + FORMULA 10.0.6 [AD]

Hi guys!
Back with more products for you to pamper yourself! This time... for your hair and skin!!

Cant wait to share my experiences with these products with you!


As you guys know I've been constantly bleaching my hair and putting my locks under the damage of chemicals i dont even know about! All the bleaching and colouring has surely taken a toll on my once smooth and silky hair!! *cries lol*

Many of you have been asking me about how i keep my hair healthy despite all that work done!
I used to use my normal shampoo and it managed to keep my hair just above the bar!

However now i use HASK KERATIN PROTEIN SMOOTHING SHAMPOO AND CONDITIONER! and i was amazed at how light the product was and it didn't feel like it was stripping my hair off its natural oils!
Many of us may not know but our day to day drugstore shampoos and conditioners actually strip our hair of its natural oils! Causing it to be dry and more prone to damage!!

If you dont already know, keratin is one of the best ways to keep your hair in shape!

Im sure you've heard of keratin treatments in salons! and they really work wonders on your hair!

This keratin product from HASK is free of sulfates, parabens, phthalates, gluten, drying alcohol and artificial colors!!! 

I use it like how i would use my normal shampoo! a substantial amount on my hands and then onto my wet hair! My hair feels softer and more renewed and doesn't have that dishwasher finish! does feel squeaky or stripped off its natural oils!

As stated on their site, , 

"Give damaged, over-processed hair a miracle makeover with HASK Keratin Protein Smoothing Shampoo. Infused with hydrolyzed keratin to reduce frizz and block humidity, this shampoo gently cleanses leaving even the most unruly hair soft and revitalized with incredible shine. Ideal for frizzy, dry or color-treated hair, this shampoo’s delicious scent will also invigorate your senses."

And its true! it smells PURFECT. 
It has a berry-ish smell and makes bath time much more relaxing!

They also sent me their KERATIN PROTEIN CONDITIONER!
After shampooing my hair they still remain super tangled and its impossible to comb them apart without breaking them :( i hate it so much my floor is filled with my damaged hair!! *ugh*

Conditioning my hair is super essential to keeping it smooth and tangle free!! 
Without it id really just have a bush on my head. I'm not kidding!
However many conditioners I've used caused my hair to turn slightly oily and tacky even after it dries!
It is just right! De tangles my hair almost immediately after application and doesn't leave it oily! Just right! 

As stated on their site...

"Infused with hydrolyzed keratin to reduce frizz and block humidity, this conditioner gently smoothes and detangles leaving even the most unruly hair soft and revitalized with incredible shine. Ideal for frizzy, dry or color-treated hair, this conditioner’s delicious scent will also invigorate your senses."

Its super moisturising and leaves my hair shiny!!
No more dull and damaged hair!! It smells super good too! Static between our hair causes the frizz and fuss! This conditioner however reduces static! Having bleached hair also means MORE DRYING TIME... i hate it so much!! And i never knew till i bleached my hair! It takes forever and its also a big NO from me to blow dry my hair!
This conditioner however reduces drying time!
All in all brings my hair back to life again!

FORMULA 10.0.6

Product #1!

Formula 10.0.6's Best Face Forward
Daily foaming cleanser!

how do i take care of my skin?
how do i keep clear complexion?
how do i prevent oily skin? 

These are the many questions you guys have asked me!
Most of the time i rinse my face with water without any products!
Recently I started using formula 10.0.6's products and my skin has gotten even better!
With the SUPER HUMID AND HORRENDOUS weather here in Singapore I'm sure many of us either face oily skin or dry skin problems!
My skin does get oily at times of the day too!
And i absolutely hate it so much!! i feel so frustrated and annoyed!!

So i used Formula 10.0.6's daily foaming cleanser before i apply my make up or go to bed!

Green Tea exfoliates and soothes skin! Which is super important!
Getting rid of dead skin helps to brighten our skin and remove all impurities!
Passion Fruit reduces oiliness too!
Say goodbye to smudged makeup!! good riddance!!
Camomile is often known as tea but who knew its skin benefits too!
It is antibacterial,anti-inflammatory and also antiseptic. It being hypoallergenic also helps to
neutralise skin irritants!!
So what if you have sensitive skin! 
My face feels so refreshed and renewed every morning and i know when it goes to sleep it regenerates and i can wake up with soft and clean skin!

Although my skin was previously clear, i also have small bumps here and there! (the ones right before pimples form... ew:( ) but after using this product they have really cleared!!

(sorry eyeliner is abit screwed because it was a long day before i snapped these ok haha)

Get yours here!

Product #2!

Formula 10.0.6's Pores be pure
Skin clarifying mud mask! 

We all know how pimples come about right?
Clogged pores, impurities, oily skin and so many other factors!! 

According to ,

"Pimples are small skin lesions or inflammations of the skin - they are sebaceous glands (oil glands) which are infected with bacteria, swell up, and then fill up with pus.
Pimples occur when the sebaceous glands, which are located at the base of hair follicles, become overactive. The most vulnerable parts of the body are the face, back, chest and shoulders"

Dont we all hate them!!
With Formula 10.0.6's Pores be pure skin clarifying mud mask, we can all achieve clear complexion with no impurities and other kinds of nonsense :( !!! 
This is also a mask, and its application is super easy!
Apply to cleansed and dry skin and leave to dry for 10-15 mins before washing it off!
just 1-3 times a week! (depending on the condition of your skin too! do not use it too much it can in turn cause dry skin!)
This product contains ingredients like STRAWBERRY, YARROW AND ROSEMARY EXTARCTS!

Strawberries cleanse and prevents acne, improves complexion and tones skin!
Yarrow ... what is yarrow to begin with? 
according to,
it is "a long-stemmed member of the sunflower family found in the wild throughout the temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere. It can be recognized by its highly segmented leaves (millefolium literally means “thousand leaves”), and the clusters of daisy-like white or lavender flowers at the top of the stalk."
It helps with skin itching, rash or other issues too! 
And lastly, rosemary which helps with acne!

After applying the mask, i waited for awhile and felt a slight tingling and heating sensation but no worries! it is completely normal too! (read back of product!!)

Washing it off was easy and my face felt more refreshed, tight and clean!
Love how it works!
Say yes to clear and bright skin now!
Try formula 10.0.6!

* products can be purchased at guardian stores island wide or via their online store!

Hopefully this posts have helped you guys learn more about skin care and the benefits if different products and ingredients!
If you're facing skin problems try out these products!
They have a range of different products for targeted problems too!
Let me know how they work for you!
Stay beautiful everyone!

Wednesday 6 April 2016

a penny for my thoughts.

hey guys!
i really dont know where i should start with this but i guess theres no right beginning.
but thank you you know who you are.
you've urged me to finally put my never ending thoughts into words.
i guess i could never string them together if you never seeked comfort in me.
maybe one day you'll finally understand the things I've been trying to tell you

i guess growing up we all just wanted to get up and go out have our fun and go home with bruised knees. we all grew up differently. i had a pretty balanced childhood and a privileged one. and i thank my parents for that. for only wanting the best for me.  as they say all good things come to an end right?
i grew into my teenage years they grew older, perspectives and expectations changed and we could almost never align our sentiments. ill cut this short and get to the point.
is that through all the strict rules and ridiculous encounters, i found myself a puppet.
my life then became a show. i did what made them happy i did what was the safest. but could i stay that way for long? will we ever be puppets our entire lives? no
i rebelled and god you never know how bad things were. back then going through my first heartbreak and O levels and disputes with my parents made me change as a person
id say i was hateful and i always blamed others for things that happened. i never had a opinion of my own. well i mean i did but i never acted it out. i did what the script wrote and i was in the safe zone
is that how life was really supposed to be? i guess not.

i spent nights and days figuring out how Id live my life the right way.
then i realised. that there isn't really a right way to live life
my life is going to be how i make it, it is my own adventure
guess we always wondered how amazing life would be with instructions
precisely why there isn't. this life you're living now is the adventure you've embarked on. whether you'd stay in base or explore the darkest and deepest corners. whether you're gonna sit and wait or get up move and make it happen.
and no I'm not sure if theres a heaven or hell or if we just becoming decaying bodies 6 feet down. will anyone remember me then.
does it matter now? no cause we'd never know for ourselves till the day we get there.
so whats there to not try, whats there to hold back.
everything is out there, if you want it go get it
fear stops your growth. fear closes doors. and it is the fear of death that hold us back.
that what if we aren't growing up the way we are supposed to? or what if this isn't the "way to go about life"
we all go one day and we dont know what really remains after. so what is there to lose?

sure growing up I've heard nasty things about myself, made a bunch or a ton of stupid fucking mistakes and did things i never should have. but do i regret them now? no.
do i regret falling in love for the first time, no. was heartbreak easy? no but i dont regret a bit. I'm happy for the fucking nonsense I've been through the shit i had to put up with and the freedom as a 14-16 year old being taken away from me because of my parents. no shit at some point i hated their fucking guts, I'm a little older now, i wouldn't say i understand life through and through. but I'm sure they did what they did out of love for me, whether the way they did was right or wrong. somethings i / wecwill never understand,  but the most beautiful things sometimes were never meant to be understood, just accepted.

i have good and bad days.
but through all that, I've grown. and i dont need validation. from anyone
i dont need approval to do the craziest things i want to. i validate myself and i am who i am really. so are you. all of you. as cliche as it is. no one is going to love you for you if you dont love you for you.
you dont need someone to tell you how amazing you are as a person everyday nor do you need to let the negativity of others bring you down. we weren't meant to be made of steel. we break down and give in to stupid mean comments of people we dont know sometimes. and its okay to cry its okay to feel like a loser some times.
but dont stay there forever in your game of self pity. dont throw yourself a pity party because no one is going to turn up.
somedays grab a beer smoke a cigarette whatever. 

let yourself go 
notice your flaws
ask yourself why things turned out so bad
be a fucking wreck,

but snap out of it. you were pushed to rock bottom so you could get back up.
remember that the universe is only this big
you aren't alone and we aren't all perfect.
things fail, things dont work people leave
shit happens.

but get back up. any way you can, you can crawl or run, at least you're moving
at least you're trying again. never give up the things that mean so much to you
never mind the the things people tell you to do never mind the people that go against you
at the end of the day will you be happy with you? will you like you and will you love you.
sometimes its hard to be a let down to people around you. i guess at our age, to our parents.
sure I'm thankful they brought me to life, i have to respect them.
maybe I'm wrong or maybe i am too young to understand
but i am not going to be a puppet. but I'm not telling you to go against them any chance you get.
I'm saying make them happy, but i am also saying fight for what you want and who you are/
did i grow up all according to plan?
no. I'm sure my parents never expected their daughter to have hair that of a rainbow half the time. they probably didnt expect id ever turn out the way i was, and have the vices i have.
along the way I'm sure I've let them down here and there.
do i really want to be studying what i am now? NO
but i am in it and i just have to make the best out of it.complete this level of my education and move on to the next.
they'll be happy.
but when i grow older i have no fcking idea if ill ever use the things I've learnt in school. probably not.
a 9-5 job a steady income and a routine to follow. the safe way of life?
no. i wrench at the thought of it.
at 25 will i have life figured all out. will i have a 5 digit lovely income. and will i have already met the love of my life. would my parents be proud?

i dont know

but at 25. i will be happy with the things I've done and the mistakes I've made, with where i am and what I'm doing, i will only be growing any way i am
at 25 i will embrace the individual i am. i will stand for my beliefs and i will put up a fight.

am i all too young and am i right.
maybe, maybe not

idk if all I've said sounds like a load of bullcrap or a fcking disgusting paragraph of letters strung together. and i know for sure this post does not have a beautiful flow. its jumbled
but i think all i am trying to say is that

you validate you. you dont need anyone to make you feel more or less as a person.
never let anyone do that, never let anyone or anything be in control of your life.
that its okay to fall, but please stand back up. i can't measure how much is enough to go through for it to be enough. for someone to stop being afraid to stand up for themselves. but i hope we all do someday. to understand that not everything is meant to be understood, that maybe things fail for better ones to come along.
that all that we're worrying about now won't matter tomorrow.
and that the toughest periods of life, make us beautiful.
change begins in you, have a wonderful adventure.

Friday 1 April 2016

EYEBROW EMBROIDERY! with Bellusdecharme [AD]

" whats the one thing you can get into shape without exercising? ... your eyebrows! "

Hey guys! Im back! This time with my eyebrow embroidery experience with bellusdecharme

Check out their insta!

We all know how important eyebrows are these days in the world of beauty! 
When i was younger i never thought my eyebrows would be so important! and who'd have thought!
I can never leave the house without my eyebrows drawn! 
Dont believe in the power of brows? 
Here are some celebrities without eyebrows! Pictures were of course edited by their rightful owners!

and yes... eyebrows do make so much difference!
They shape our faces and are also a key to face recognition!
I used to draw my eyebrows thick and in dark brown! and many people have commented on them!
I feel that those thick brows finished my look and its an essential to my daily make up!
However drawing them everyday really got tedious and on bad 
days... my brows would be uneven / out of shape or unpolished!
I would feel so unsettled the whole day...

Thankfully for bellusdecharme i managed to get my eyebrow embroidery done!
Saying good bye to everyday's challenge and buying brow pencils!!! 


When i got to their place located at FAR EAST PLAZA, #04-105 I was greeted by their friendly staff and they all had damn nice brows wtf. D: 

They began by removing my eye makeup and shaping my natural eyebrows!

Yes those are my natural brows haha. I like how they shaped it very professionally and made sure every STRAND was where it belonged! (sorry my lashes dropped lol) 
On a side note i was always super scared to get my brows done CAUSE what if it fucks up right???
Putting all my trust in bellusdecharme!! And the more work they did the more i trusted them!
I was informed of every step they were going to take and they made sure my brows were done to my liking!

Next we moved on to getting the right shape! 
The artist drew on the shape i desired and made sure that i liked it!
 Its now or never!
I like how even and precise they were drawn! So.. shape decided!
Getting on to the real deal now!

They dotted along the outlines of my brows as a guide when they begin the embroidery! and then moved on to numbing my brows!!! felt super weird and fuzzy!! 

After which i was brought into a room where it was super comfy!!! The artist then began to do my brows! They were in light and dark brown pigments! 
Here's a time lapse of how it went!

The process at the start felt like nothing literally because of the numbing cream!
I fell asleep too!! it was really comfortable!
After the numbing cream wore off it did feel a little fuzzy! Like abit of a bruising sensation!
But it was super bearable! bearable isn't even the word really

After that i was done!
Nice defined brows for good!!
No more trying to even them out while drawing them! 
Some of their services include 

Aftercare was really easy!I did everything as per normal! and just avoided direct contact with face wash! And applied a cream to them before i go to bed!
Today it is almost fully healed and the color has faded into a really nice brown!

Here is how it looks after!

1 day after! 

Almost a week after!
Sorry fr the bad quality here!!