Thursday 14 May 2015

15 may 2015

hi guys!! i know i haven't posted in awhile because school has started!!
Im in Temasek Poly doing my diploma in gerontological management studies year 1!!

Id start by saying i actually enjoy school a lot like the company and friends and the environment!!
Im still getting used to the life in poly and all adjusting to the timing!!
i don't know how i woke up at 5 for secondary school last time because I'm struggling for 9am classes now :(
And for some reason I've also been super super tired recently idk why i don't do much in school too 
I guess its really true poly life is all about independance and self reliance!
Like notes and worksheets are really printed by ourselves and no one really cares if you have them or not which also brings me on to my next point!
thank god for my classmates which are always reminding me about my work and notes and helping each other out!
many have said its hard to find good friends in poly but I'm super thankful for this bunch! making school life easier and fun loving everyday.
Although rushing for classes and running from place to place everyday under the sun and being all sweaty and sticky doesn't sound like fun , i guess thats the beauty of it.
the things we'll miss when we graduate.
speaking of which i really miss secondary school as much as i hated it while it lasted expect for the lovely friends I have.
i miss queuing up for food and complaining about assembly and the morning jogs and PE classes
mad studying for exams last minute and following rules.
As much i miss it those days have passed and we'd just have to make the best of everyday!

to my secondary school friends 
( Yandy Nicole Flora Miki Shiqi Natalie and Wei Wei )
I hope all of you are doing well and great and better everyday
we're all in different schools now and we don't get to see each other everyday but 1 thing for sure all the times we had will last forever
thanks for being the highs in my life in school and going through all the highs and lows with me
can't wait to see you guys soon i know we're all busy!!

To anyone reading this now , whatever you're doing and wherever you are
make the best out of it and notice the little things
because they are the things youd miss the most when this phase of your life passes
and trust me time flies
its been 3 weeks in school now and it doesn't feel like it at all
good luck everyone

below are some photos taken when school started (:
or add me on snapchat for updates everyday!

Photo Booth w the teacher tho
& Zul Linnit Rachel & Qiulin


Heres what i wore on some days for the past 3 weeks!

I guess life as a student or life in general can be really tiring and draining sometimes so I'm gonna end off my post with a quote..

" we only can be what we give ourselves the power to be "

till next time